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Gofix Carpentry Ltd. has been created to develop good wood working skills and past them to new generations.

Our rules are minimum waste, maximum use, and full satisfaction ! Reusing existing materials allow for having better quality furniture than one made of new raw material. At the same moment we slow down degradation of our planet.

Most of companies offer services comply with own standards.

We can offer exact quality to specify expectations. Every single customer is taken absolutely individually.  


Our service is focused on satisfaction! In every one step we merging design with technical possibility. Not always at the first moment is possible. To find solution we give all experience. In this situations we are very open minded. First we checking what stop us to achieve design, then we try to find the way to do so.

Usually there is way of making very difficult ideas but some time its braking budget. Then we have to look for compromise.

At many occasions we had opportunity to build unusual projects and always there is time issue. Only way to achieve proper job we have to allow enough time to work on it.


Our company is reliable and trust worth, reflecting as customer care with good  background skills. Customer satisfaction is our priority!


Most of all ... 163 year oak it's much nicer when up right!


+44 782 442 8992




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